Lions Gate’s Community Safety Assessment Program (CSAP) is designed to assist communities that suffer from higher levels of crime and nuisance activity. Our third-party standing is advantageous because we can provide objectivity in our recommendations to address issues, appropriately balancing enforcement strategies with physical and situation-based approaches.
But in order for CSAPs to remain viable, managing issues in the short, intermediate and long term, it’s important that an integrated approach is taken.
In order for communities to see improvement, a multi-agency partnership approach should be taken. In one such successful case, we aided a client in applying for grant funding that was used for a holistic estate-wide security management plan. This wasn’t just one building. This was a security plan to aid 150 businesses over 12.75 hectares of land.
Before our intervention, many businesses were either closed or contemplating closure, including large names such as Coca-Cola. By garnering the partnership and cooperation of an Estate Management Board comprised of business leaders, police, local municipality, and public CCTV monitoring, enforcement resources and preventative patrols were put in place that turned around the safety of this area, resulting in massive public savings. Casualty reductions moved to zero as a result of highway regulation changes and enforceable parking regulations, and the negative media coverage and a growing stigma associated with the location were removed, boosting economic returns by attracting new facility clients.
None of this would have been possible without enlisting the involvement of every affected party.
Lions Gate has seen enterprise-wide strategies implemented, resulting in scaling economies. So why can’t these same tactics be applied to community programs?
They can.
Cross-border thinking and approach integration have to be a feature of community safety. There are significant benefits to having control of a program of interconnected projects with the ability to ensure the direction that’s being taken with each has a complementary impact on the others.
As an example of project overlap by design, Northamptonshire Police targeted and catalyzed four major projects in one mixed-use town centre area. The municipality introduced a road closure program to reduce vehicle accessibility and enhanced street lighting to increase surveillance. The strategic placement of the new municipality monitored CCTV cameras and the addition of automatic license plate recognition capability was integrated. Funding from the same Home Office government department was also invested in an ALPR Response team for the Police. The net impact of using this design technique was a highly effective deter, detect, and respond outcome.
For more information or training programs tailored to your business, please contact michaelfranklin@lgrmg.ca. For any support and assistance call 1.604.383.0020 or toll-free at 1.800.212.2026 or visit www.lgrmg.ca at any time. Our expertise is your peace of mind.